Avoid Sugar No more Coca-Cola,Pepsi,Fruit Juice and all the junks you eat in traffic and at home. When we eat a lot of refined sugar, the liver gets overloaded with fructose and is forced to turn it all into fat. Large amount of fructose can lead to increased accumulation of fat in the belly. Eat Whole Wheat Bread, Avoid Late Night Eba, Fufu And Go for Proteinous Foods. Fish , Eggs, Cheese, Milk will help destroy that stubborn belly Fat in no time. Eba, Akpu (fufu), and Pounded yam are really heavy foods ,are too starchy and full of carbs (carbohydrate), it just adds more to your belly fat. Eating in a controlled way (little servings) should help shed that weight. The calorie content of eggs differs depending on how they are cooked. Eat the right Vegetables, Fibrous Foods and Cereals Spinach, Broccoli,Peas,Black beans,Pears and all these are really affordable and within reach. Cut that belly Fat w...